Cardiovascular Health Screening
The first step of any cardiac assessment is to listen to your concerns and symptoms. The consultants at the Cambridge Cardiology Clinic do this from an open and holistic stance, taking all aspects into consideration and asking questions which will guide the diagnosis and treatment plan.
The most common symptoms described by patients with heart problems can be categorised into 3 groups:
Palpitations, dizziness and black out
Feeling of heart racing
Pounding sensation in the chest
Fainting or blacking out
Loss of consciousness
Smart watch alarm activation regarding a potential arrhythmia
Feeling of being unable to fill the lungs
Trying to catch your breath
Breathlessness when lying flat in bed
Waking up at night to catch your breath
Shortness of breath out of proportion for the degree of physical activity being undertaken (such as walking or performing your everyday activities)
Chest discomfort, pain, tightness, pressure
Chest discomfort or pain
Jaw ache, discomfort, burning or pain
Arm ache, discomfort, burning or pain
Reduced exercise capacity and tiredness
Chest discomfort when breathing
Chest discomfort that is associated with movement
During your visit, the cardiologist will then proceed to
Listen to your heart and chest
Your cardiologist will use an evergreen instrument called a "stethoscope" to listen to your heart. The sound arising from the closing of the heart valves can be expertly interpreted by the cardiologist for clues of potential heart problems, such as heart valve dysfunction and decrease in the ability of the heart to pump blood to the rest of the body.
Take your heart rate​
Your cardiologist will feel your pulse to check your heart's rate and rhythm. This is a simple but extremely useful test which can help diagnose irregular heart rhythms (such as atrial fibrillation) as well as abnormalities relating to the ability of various heart valves to open and close properly.
Check your blood pressure​
Blood pressure reflects the force generated by the heart pumping blood against the aorta (which connects the heart to the rest of the body). It is measured in millimetres of mercury (mmHg). A normal blood pressure reading is usually around 120/80 mmHg. High blood pressure (hypertension) is when the pressure in the arteries is consistently high and low blood pressure (hypotension) is when it is too low.